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We search and compare millions of real-time prices on flights so you can easily find the cheap quick, and best flight, hotels and car hire deals.

Flights from Chicago to Manila
Flights from Houston to Manila
Flights from New York to Manila
Flights from Miami to Manila
Flights from Los Angeles to Manila
Flights from Boston to Manila
Flights from San Francisco to Manila
Flights from Atlanta to Manila
Flights from Washington to Manila
Flights from Dallas to Manila

How to find cheap flight deals with Tourlift

Tourlift search across thousands of airlines and travel sites, from major booking websites to individual companies sites, so you can easily find deals and compare the best online flight prices for you.
We’re entirely free to use – no hidden charges, and the prices you see are never any affect by your search.

Sometimes you can save money by combining flight tickets from different suppliers. That is, by booking your outbound flight with one supplier, and your return flight with another. We call this Mix & Match.

If you can save money by combining tickets from different suppliers, we’ll automatically include this option in your flight results and label it ‘Mix & Match’. To get these prices you will need to complete two different booking flows, but you will be rewarded when it can save you money over a traditional round-trip with one supplier.

Choose your destination/place and preferred travel dates, and we’ll provide you with an overview of the cheapest, quickest, and best flights for you.
Flexible on dates? On the most popular routes searched on Tourlift, you can use our Price Calendar (found above your search results) to find the cheapest travel dates quickly.

Add your email for Price Alerts on your favorite destinations and automatically get price updates, so you can book when the price are cheap. You can do so next to your flights,hotels, car hire.
You can also subscribe email to special offers and limited-time deals from our travel partners. Just sign in, go to Notifications in your profile and subscribe to the topics you’re interested in.

A little bit more about Trendingfinders flights

Here’s why travellers use Tourlift as their free service to find cheap flights

Get the best deals

Tourlift search and compare real-time prices on flights, hotels and car hire so you can find the cheapest, quickest and best travel deals

100% price transparency

The prices you see are never affect by your search, no matter how many you make. We do not use cookies to adjust or increase prices

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We’re completely free to use and do searches – no hidden charges or fees

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